Adgility Media Group LLC

Hosting & Maintenance


Website Hosting

At Adgility, we understand the critical role that hosting plays in ensuring the performance, security, and success of your website. That's why we are proud to offer Amazon Web Hosting, a highly optimized platform that delivers a significant boost in site performance. This boost translates directly into higher conversions and improved SEO rankings.

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Our Hosting Features:

Our Hosting Plans Feature:

  • Highly Optimized Platform: We offer a hosting environment optimized for peak performance. This optimization directly translates into higher conversion rates and improved SEO rankings.

  • Advanced Security: Your website's security is our priority. Our hosting includes a comprehensive security solution equipped with DDoS protection and a Web Application Firewall (WAF). This robust defense mechanism is designed to keep your sites secure while simultaneously delivering a faster and more secure browsing experience for your customers.

  • SSL Certificate: Security is not just about protection; it's also about trust. Our hosting includes an installed SSL Certificate, making your website browser and SEO friendly while assuring visitors that their data is secure.

  • Exceptional Uptime: While no one can guarantee 100% uptime, we come very close with 99.99% uptime. This ensures that your website is accessible to your audience whenever they need it.

  • Daily Backups: We understand the importance of data protection. That's why we perform daily backups of your website, ensuring that your data is safe and easily recoverable in case of any unforeseen events.

  • Affordable Pricing: Our hosting packages are competitively priced, making premium hosting accessible to businesses of all sizes.

At Adgility, we don't just create outstanding websites; we also ensure they are hosted on a reliable and high-performance platform. Our hosting services are tailored to deliver a seamless and secure online experience for your business and your customers.

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Website Maintenance

Websites are dynamic entities that require ongoing maintenance and updates to stay current and relevant. At Adgility, we understand the importance of keeping your digital presence in top shape. That's why we offer tailored website support programs to ensure your website remains up-to-date and fully functional.

Keeping your website's content fresh and up-to-date is crucial for engaging your audience and maintaining relevance. Whether it's updating product details, refreshing image galleries, or adding new content, we've got you covered.

Behind the scenes, your website's backend needs regular updates to ensure it operates correctly and stays secure. Our support programs include updates for Content Management Systems (CMS) and plugins, minimizing vulnerabilities and maintaining functionality.

Our goal is to not only create exceptional websites but also to ensure they continue to perform optimally. With our ongoing website maintenance, you can rest assured that your digital presence remains current, secure, and aligned with your evolving needs.

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Superior Customer Service

At Adgility, we don't just provide solutions; we build lasting partnerships. Our superior customer service is designed to alleviate the burdens of website maintenance, giving you the confidence that your site is in expert care, so you can concentrate on your business's success.

We understand that keeping your website up-to-date can be a time-consuming task, especially if you lack the necessary expertise or resources. That's where our support programs come in, offering you a superior level of customer service that simplifies the entire process.

We take a proactive approach to site management. Instead of reacting to issues as they arise, we anticipate and address them in advance. This proactive stance helps you maintain an updated and secure website, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your business.

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